Emergency Warning: Missionary Attack Targeting Hundreds of Shuls Across Israel
December 10, 2024Intense anger and concern is being felt at all levels of the Jewish public at the increasingly brazen activities of missionaries in Israel. In their latest coordinated effort, they have sent shipments of Christian books to hundreds of shuls across the country in a systematic attempt to penetrate the very heart of the traditional Jewish community.
Behind this massive campaign are Christian pastors from South Korea who head the New York-based “Hora” organization. The books, which come in a large, impressive format that can mislead those who peruse them, constitute a dangerous attempt to present a distorted interpretation of the written Torah through the lens of Christian theology.
“This is a particularly serious development that exploits the difficult period our people are experiencing,” warns Rabbi Binyamin Kluger, senior adviser for cults and missionary affairs at Yad L’Achim. “The missionaries are trying to take advantage of the public’s emotional vulnerability at this time, and using sophisticated tactics to cover up their true intentions.”
South Korea is the second largest “exporter” of missionary activity, dispatching thousands of missionaries around the world, and Israel is at the top of their list of priorities. “They invest enormous resources in trying to convert Jews – especially those living in the Holy Land, as part of their ideological mission,” Rabbi Kluger says.
The timing of this campaign is particularly infuriating, as Israel grapples with the challenges of war and with tens of thousands of families having been displaced from their homes. This is an attempt on the part of hostile elements to exploit the situation and get innocent Jews to fall into their trap and convert to Judaism.
“This is a spiritual attack on the Jewish people,” one official notes, “by a group of priests who don’t hesitate to use any means or methods at their disposal.”
Yad L’Achim recently sent an urgent letter to all city and neighborhood rabbis in Israel, as well as to shul gabba’im, warning them of the threat and urging them to be on the lookout for for innocent-looking missionary books arriving from abroad, so that they can keep them out of their shuls and surroundings.
In addition, in light of the increasing attempts by the Korean “Hora” organization targeting Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, Yad L’Achim has issued an emergency appeal directly to the public: “In these trying times, when the people of Israel are fighting for their lives, we know that the basis of our success is our souls. We must not allow missionaries to harm them! It is our sacred duty to preserve the purity of the people of Israel.
“We must be alert to any suspicious material, and we must warn community members in order to prevent missionaries from gaining a foothold among us. Guard your lives and the lives of your brothers – do not fall into the missionary net! If you come across missionary material, destroy it immediately and report it to Yad L’Achim by calling *9234.”